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Building Information

Fouse Elementary
5800 S. Old 3C Highway

Robert Stranges, Principal
Amber Case, Asst. Principal

Attendance & SafeArrival

1-844-431-0874 /

Main Phone: 614-797-7400
Main Fax: 614-797-7401

Instructional Hours:

Grades 1-5 / All Day Kindergarten

9:15 AM - 3:40 PM

AM Kindergarten: 9:15 AM - 11:55 AM

PM Kindergarten: 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM    

Office  Hours:  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Who Was William Henry Fouse?

Our school's namesake, William Henry Fouse, set an example of educational excellence. Our learning community will strive to equal his standards of hard work and quality performance. Mr. Fouse was born outside of Westerville in 1868, just three years after his parents had been emancipated from slavery. It is rumored he was born in the log cabin now located at McVay Elementary. Mr. Fouse was the first African American graduate of Westerville's 2-year high school in 1884, and Otterbein College's first African American graduate in 1893. He received his Master's Degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1937. Mr. Fouse had a distinguished career as a high school teacher and principal in Ohio and Kentucky. Specifically he was principal of Dunbar High School in Lexington, Kentucky. As Dunbar's principal, Fouse raised Dunbar's status to "one of the best in the state." This provides a wonderful goal for Westerville's new Fouse Elementary. A leader who worked quietly and diligently for the development of children, Mr. Fouse died in 1944.